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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Holy Ghost

Nearly all the people in the UK believe in the basic god Christian. I took take part in the Easter Delay church several weeks ago. To my surprise, the missionaries found out my flat address and came to give me some lessons about the Book of Mormon, today they came again. To be honest, I am quite interested in the philosophy about the book which illustrates the god and Jesus’ life from prophets and teaches people how to get off the sins. It helps people to become kind and friendly, makes people become peaceful when they are nervous. I really like the philosophy, but how they find my address is still a mystery to me that it is a little horrible.

Now I can pray in some easy English, and I’ve prayed twice before we started the learning. The missionaries are both around 20 years old, in my age year. They taught me why the Jesus came to the earth and the steps to the heaven, in despite of I don’t believe the heaven to some extent, I really like the theory which likes a beautiful story from thousands of years ago, sounds fabulous. Some decades ago, Abraham Einstein thought only the god could save the world, which was under nuclear-weapon attack; people at that time were shocked because of the opposite between sciences and regions. But he’s right! The people’s souls should be kinder by the regions.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Weather in the UK

The climate here is so changeable sometimes that it may rain in a sunny day. Now it is not bad in June, the sun is a bit hot, but quite moderate while it is very hot in my hometown. Everyday, it is windy all the time, now I can understand why people often stand at home after 8 pm – almost all the shops are closing and few people are in the street, it is very easy too get a headache due to the windy weather. The temperature often stands at 20 degree in the summer, that’s so good and now the day time lasts for 17 hours from 5.30 am to 10.30 pm, it will be longer in next few days, reach nearly 20 hours from 3 am to 11 pm. So interesting!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Feel lonely

These days, especially after the exam, I felt very lonely even thought I went out to meet new people everyday, I still felt something is missing and I can’t get it, I haven’t found what it is now. May be the other half in my body, after all, I am an adult now.

Two days ago, I stayed in my flat and didn’t go to the church even thought I made an appointment with the missionaries. To my surprise, they came to my flat to teach me the Mormon, but I never told them where I lived, so terrible, they tracked me once but I didn’t know.

Newhaven Museum

The English foundation program will be finished soon, and the course began more relaxing, we can talk freely in the classroom and nothing is debt.

This afternoon, the tutor took us to the Newhaven museum which is located in the north of Edinburgh and there are some fish markets around it. It’s a really small museum with about 100 square metres, but it’s quite fabulous to visit. The ship and fisherman models are very realistic, I can’t identify whether it is artificial beyond 3 metres. The museum also exhibits several specimens about sea creative, lobster, winkle, crab, and so on, and it illustrates Newhaven people’s life several hundred years ago. Interesting!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Supermarkets in Edinburgh

As far as I know, there are 5 main supermarkets in Edinburgh, Tesco, Scotmid, Somefield, Asda and Lidle. Lidle provides the cheapest products but the variety seems not enough big, and only has two branches as I know. Scotmid is a good choice because they provide high-quality goods with lower price. But the most popular one is Tesco, and there are many branches. I can easily access one, but its products prices seem a little higher than others. Somefield’s goods are very well but the products cost much higher than others, that is not suitable to me even thought it provides high service and excellent goods. The last one, Asda, which is my favourite, have 2 suits in Edinburgh, but either one has big size, one of them which is located in Slateford Road is the biggest supermarket in Edinburgh, comparing with other supermarket store, it’s very convenient because they provides thousands of goods, I like it.

Looking for some part-time jobs

The holiday is coming; I’ll have four-month time to earn as much money as I can to pay some of the heavy tuition fee. During these days, I intent to go to some local supermarkets like Tesco, Asda, Somefield and so on. Of course before that, I should do some prepares so that I’ll get more chances to have interviews. I am a little disappointed about what I did these months – improve little in speaking English and earn little money during this period. I had tried my best to phone the employers, but no response returned, the main reason I think is no prepare I did and poor English I spoke, so now I’ll practise more English and try the jobs again. Hope a good result.