Holy Ghost
Nearly all the people in the UK believe in the basic god Christian. I took take part in the Easter Delay church several weeks ago. To my surprise, the missionaries found out my flat address and came to give me some lessons about the Book of Mormon, today they came again. To be honest, I am quite interested in the philosophy about the book which illustrates the god and Jesus’ life from prophets and teaches people how to get off the sins. It helps people to become kind and friendly, makes people become peaceful when they are nervous. I really like the philosophy, but how they find my address is still a mystery to me that it is a little horrible.
Now I can pray in some easy English, and I’ve prayed twice before we started the learning. The missionaries are both around 20 years old, in my age year. They taught me why the Jesus came to the earth and the steps to the heaven, in despite of I don’t believe the heaven to some extent, I really like the theory which likes a beautiful story from thousands of years ago, sounds fabulous. Some decades ago, Abraham Einstein thought only the god could save the world, which was under nuclear-weapon attack; people at that time were shocked because of the opposite between sciences and regions. But he’s right! The people’s souls should be kinder by the regions.